“Guwahati Spirit” – a magical word for Guwahati Kukis apparently finds close resemblances with the popular Mizo spirit tlâwmngaih, (noun) self-sacrifice, unselfishness, etc; or being self-sacrificing, being unselfish, etc (as under the verb tlawm " ngai above). Also meaning (verb) to practise self-sacrifice, unselfishness, self-denial, etc (as above tlâwm " ngai above).
spirit (spir′it) noun - the life principle, esp. in human beings, originally regarded as inherent in the breath or as infused by a deity may also mean (1) the thinking, motivating, feeling part of a person, often as distinguished from the body; mind; intelligence, (ii) life, will, consciousness, thought, etc., regarded as separate from matter , (iii) a supernatural being, esp. one thought of as haunting or possessing a person, house, etc., as a ghost, or as inhabiting a certain region, being of a certain good (or evil) character, etc., as an angel, demon, fairy, or elf , (iv) an individual person or personality thought of as showing or having some specific quality the brave spirits who pioneered , (v) frame of mind; disposition; mood; temper in high spirits , (vi) vivacity, courage, vigor, enthusiasm, etc. to answer with spirit , (vii) enthusiasm and loyalty school spirit , (viii) real meaning; true intention to follow the spirit if not the letter of the law , (ix) a pervading animating principle, essential or characteristic quality, or prevailing tendency or attitude the spirit of the Renaissance , (x) a divine animating influence or inspiration , (xi) strong alcoholic liquor produced by distillation
Spirit according to Dictionary Of The Lushai Language, is eng ti-thâwl, (p. 128) [ eng ti-thâwl, ] v 1. to behave in a carefree unconstrained manner; to be cheery, jovial, irrepressible, buoyant, bubbling over with good spirits, light-hearted; to throw aside one's cares, burdens, worries, etc and enjoy oneself. 2. to be pompous, consequential, pretentious, affected, conceited, selfsatisfied, to put on airs. adj. cheery, etc (as above); pompous, etc
I do not claim to posse here a complete definition of Guwahati spirit, but this is how I can best put it based on my limited exposure and orientation in Guwahati eimi society since 1998. That the idiom or you may call it phrase is used interchangeably to refer to the unique characteristics of the organized Kukis of Guwahati where responsibilities irrespective of the weight and volume is a shared duty for both young and old alike, male and the female. And also refers to a society which is grounded and based all its initiatives largely on the sheer might of participation and ownership.
I would not be surprised if the term rings altogether different bells to you and others people. I first heard the term being used in the KWS (Guwahati) Sunday services by Pu L.L. Khongsai and also with punches by Pu D.P. Haokip and felt for it instantaneously. It sounded so captivating and turned out to be a very infectious vocabulary as I invariably begun using it in my after-service discussions.
Very lately I wondered if Pu T.S. Agou also noticed what is going through me. I wanted a translation in Thadou-Kuki but could not find it in the Suongmantam Dictionary. Exploration for an appropriate definition of Guwahati Spirit became an enigma and threatened to engulf me once again with its reference fast becoming an officially accepted norm. Probably, it is time for a second edition of Suongmantam Dictionary to hit the stand and give me some rest.
In Guwahati Spirit!
Mangneo Lhungdim
GUWAHATI SPIRIT, in my own opinion mean 'the ever refreshing and undying spirit of KWS(G), KSO(G), KWA(G) and several other bodies that we have and sustain in the form of LUNG-KHAT, THA-KHAT, HOU-KHAT..TOHKHOM, NEHKHOM, LUNGHEM KHOM chuleh KIPAKHOM..'
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