Friday, October 12, 2007

Empowerkukisociety e-group online ahitai!

The limited space we have for discusing issues of sustainable development in the midst of political and religious discourses available to us online today, few individuals engaged or having keen interest in NGO and community development sector among have formed a forum;
Egged on by Chongboi Haokip (Australia), Jamkholal Lhungdim (Guwahati) and inspired by the milestones and innovations achieved by many like-minded development professionals namely; Hethong Haokip (Consultant), Rev. Dino Touthang (EFICOR-Delhi) Christopher Lun (Director GWF, Mizoram), Lamkhomang Kipgen (CEO, WSDS-Manipur), Konthang Touthang (Under Secretary-RD, GOI), Bro Haupu, (Director Agape-Manipur), Holkhomang Haokip (RAIDS), Paojalen Haokip (BADOM) and many more... the forum has been launched on 12th october 2007.
Main issues the group will discuss shall revolve around sustainable development of Kuki community. And issues related to politics will be avoided so far as it does not directly form part of the main discusion on sustainable development.
Key words common would include;
  • Sustainablity
  • Participation
  • Governance and democracy
  • Gender
  • equity
  • Agriculture
  • Health
  • Education
  • Alternative development designs and process
  • etc.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Guwahati Eimi Lomgol (GEL/GELOM) launched

The innovative idea of breaking some socio-economic barriers impregnated from informal after-sunday services discussions of like-minded persons spearheaded by Helun Hangshing, Manglet Haokip, Lalboi Lhungdim, Haupu Khongsai, Khaipao Haokip, Mangneo Lhungdim and few others finally has seen the light of the day on 7th October 2007 when representative members officially launched the Guwahati Eimi Lomgol (GEL/GELOM) at the residence of Mangneo Lhungdim, Beltola.
The 10 founder members includes, Helun Hangshing, Haoneo Hangshing, Mangneo Lhungdim, Manglet Haokip, Khaipao Haokip, Lhingboi Tuboi, Chonneo Haokip, Jamkholal Lhungdim, Haopu Khongsai and Kailen Singson.
GEL Articles of Association (Drafted by Jamkholal Lhungdim)
1. Proposed Name: Guwahati Eimi Lomgol (GEL)/(GELOM); any other suggestion….etc

2. Temporary office: Residence of Mr. Mangneo Lhungdim at 104, Gourikund Aprts, Ranibagan Housing Estate, Tiniali, Beltola, Guwahati-28

3. Purpose: Sustainable SAVING through group approach

4. Objectives: (Primary)

(a) To render financial assistance to the group member with nominal interest
(b) To augment the income of the members through the lending of its corpus fund (see Art. No. )
(c) To extend financial assistance to other needy members of the community with nominal rate of interest as far as possible.
(e) To create a forum where issues relating to the Kuki community in Guwahati in particular and the whole Kuki community in general can be discussed.
(f) To experiment & explore the possibility of further expansion and upgration of the group for all practical purpose.

5. Membership:

(a) Initially the nos. of member will be restricted to 10 (ten) [see Art. 9] till further agreement is made otherwise by the founder members.
(b) All the members are expected to contribute their share and retain their membership till the last member gets it share of the group contribution
(c) After all the members get their share, any willing member may withdraw his/her membership, and he/she will be entitled to receive ½ of his monthly contribution (Lets review this)
(d) Any newly inducted member shall have to pay the same amount of the contribution made by the other members till the time of induction;
(e) The amount contributed by the new member shall be incorporated as the corpus fund and his/her entitlement and liability will be the same as the other members subsequently.

6. Monthly contribution & distribution:

(a) Each member shall have to contribute & submit a sum of Rs. 1000 (one thousand) on every 1st Sunday of the month starting from the 7th Oct. 2007
(b) The amount thus brought together by the members will be given to one lucky member by draw of lot and only the remaining members will be entitle to the subsequent monthly LUCKY DRAW
(c) Each recipient of the Lucky draw shall contribute a sum of Rs. 1000 (one thousand) only to the corpus fund
(d) For the subsequent month, each recipient of the Lucky draw shall contribute an additional amount of Rs. 50 (fifty) only over and above his/her normal monthly contribution.
(e) Incase of a member draw winner not willing to take the distribution, the GEL will decide to pass it on to a willing member who is yet to be a draw winner.

7. Lending of the corpus fund:

(a) The corpus fund thus collected from the members can be given as loan to the other non-recipient members or even to person outside the group on priority basis with nominal rate of interest
(b) The rate of interest for the members will be 2% and 3% for others
(c) Any one member of the GEL will have to stand as surety for those loan to other
(d) All monetary transaction has to be decided/approved only during the monthly meeting of the members
(e) Charitable contribution may be accepted or given according to the circumstances and availability of resources

8. Accounting & Bookkeeping:

(a) A separate bank account is to be opened at SBI by Pu Manglet & Pu Khaipao (jointly/ individually)
(b) A Finance record of the income, interest earned, loan disbursed, repayment, expenditure etc is to be maintained on rotation within the membership and shall be updated every meeting. For the first few months the same will be maintained by Pu. Mangneo
(c) Since all or most members have access to internet and computer, the updates will be done through email and also simultaneously in the blog:

9. List of Founder members:
(1) Gl. Helun Hanghing Education
(2) Gl. Haoneo Hangshing PNB
(3) Pu Mangneo Lhungdim NGO
(4) Pu Manglet Haokip SBI
(5) Pu Khaipao Haokip SBI
(6) Pu Jamkholal (Lalboi) NGO
(7) Haopu Khongsai NEEPCO
(8) Gl. Kailen Singson Railways
(9) Ng.Chonneo Haokip Business
(10) Ng. Lhingboi Tuboi Medical

Guwahati Eimis: 1998-2007

Guwahati Eimis: 1998-2007, a personal account
Since which year have the Kukis lived in Guwahati, is rather a difficult one but not necessary to answer. But if we try dating the history of Kukis vis-a-vis timelining the KSO, KWS and KWA you will also agree that KSO constituted 1996 was followed by KWS and KWA in matters of years.

Kukis are a little older than a decade in the upcoming mega-city of the NE and much muddy flood water has flowed down Brahmaputra, the only male river.

I first tasted the dust of Guwahati in 1990, my onward journey to Delhi for 'higher studies' the city then was still struggling to keep pace with development. My second inning in the Guwahati maidan (after eight years) happened in 1998 and since then I have neither looked back nor beyond the city. Interestingly, most of my 'firsts' happened in Guwahati - my first job, first salary, first tithe, first house rent, first flight journey, first visit to other NE states, and my first Tahchanu Eimi girlfriend who later on consented to become my life partner. Thus, in more ways than I can count, I am a Die-hard guwahatian!

Ever since I have landed in Guwahati few wonderful people have touched my life and changed my perspectives. Many Kukis have come and moved out, some even come back again and again. Though there has been a sea change in the last 3-5 years in the city landscape, Guwahati used to be a poor second choice when it comes to choice of posting for Kuki employees, and for wannabe students as well. It was understandable as the facilities did not measure up even half of what you and I enjoy/access today. Today, over 20 Eimis have created assests (land, flats, houses) we can be proud of.
Models of Guwahati Eimis:
I would like to single out few individuals/families who have set exemplary models for all of us who are still struggling, and the list naturally begins with Heni Hoipha Haokip, the survivor-entrepreneur. Any person who has known her since last 5 years will not contest my judgement. She has tried out almost every possible enterprise from boys hostel, poultry farm, vegetable vendor, shop, petty business to even mobilisng thrift groups. The opportunities she has created for her young wards, relatives and all of us will never be surpassed.
The rich, the not-so rich and even the most vulnerable love her and has been helped by her. Heni is the symbol of Guwahati Kukis/Eimis for eternity.
I have two couples coming straight second in the celebrated list - the ever green couple, envied and aprreciated by all: Pu D.P. Haokip and Pi Ngailhing Haokip. Their mere presence in Guwahati was motivation, assurance and security for the young and old alike. I am yet to come across another more Godly couple ever welcoming, genuine concerns, leading by example like them. When the news of their transfer to Bangalore finally was announced on that fateful KWS sunday, one thing that struck me was: God has answered the prayers of Kukis/Eimis of Bangalore that He delivered Pu D.P. Haokip and Pi Ngailhing to them.
The next couple most deservedly worth give a standing ovation is Pu L.L. Khongsai and Pi Moi Khongsai. A civil engineer turned socio-religio engineer, Gods' own servant and a living proof of blessing in abundance for those who seek first His kingdom.
Very few friends in Guwahati would know U Lunjalen is a family, a brother-figure an example for me since early 1980s when along with peers we used to be ardent fans of the melodious gospel numbers the "Peace Chanters" belted out. In fact one more of my firsts in Guwahati also includes Pu L. L. Khongsai & family, the day I landed in Guwahati to join my first job I put up with the family and U Moi gave me warm delicious food while U Lunjalen prayed for me.
Because Pu L.L. Khongsai & family tested God by surrendering to His Mercy, The Good Lord has not ceased blessing them till today. The latest gift from God - a cosy brand new, state of the art GETZ.
Pu J. Lhungdim and Pi Kim Lhungdim are in another leaque as they have toiled wider soil, sowed more varieties of seeds in cities of Delhi, Shillong besides Guwahati. Gods' blessing epitomized in the life of Pu J. Lhungdim who candidly acknowledges Gods' blessing at any given opportunity. Pu J. Lhungdim is modest, straight, strong, pro-active and a risk-taker whose preaching-in-actions has influenced many a young struggling lives, motivated and encouraged many students coming from the not-so-well-off background.
Because our leaders looked Gods' way, not only they God blessed but also the followers He also blessed!
The Eimis of Guwahati should rejoice as GODs' one hand takes Pu. D.P. Haokip from us for Bangalore, His other hand installs Pu J. Lhungdim for Guwahati.
to be continued.....
Next four Gods' People - Pu. T. Thangngeo IPS, Pu. S. Thadou IAS, Pu V. Changsan, Gl Lamhao APS
Note: The above documentation is purely based on my personal impression and without any coerce or compulsion